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Lifestyle & Real Estate

A tropical Caribbean island paradise

St. John’s Bay is the new epicenter of vitality in Roatan, Honduras. Our ambitious multi-phase master plan includes a wide array of entertainment and lifestyle amenities that will compliment the island’s world-class scuba diving, stunning natural landscapes and lively nightlife. Gigabit internet access and numerous business amenities also enables tangible productivity for founders and remote workers.

Accessible Flights

Roatán International Airport (RTB) offers direct flights to Miami, Atlanta, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Toronto, and is a quick 20 min drive from St. John’s Bay. 48 Miles long and 5 miles wide, Roatán’s verdant tropical forests are surrounded by the crystal clear waters of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, the second largest reef in the world.

Real estate

Explore Beyabu

A critical factor in the success of the RIFC is the development of an expansive real estate masterplan. The RIFC Real Estate Development Unit is an oversight body that coordinates the multitude of projects underway on Roatan.

Real estate

A critical factor in the success of the RIFC is the development of an expansive real estate masterplan. The RIFC Real Estate Development Unit is an oversight body that coordinates the multitude of projects underway on Roatan.

St. John's Bay

St.John’s Bay is the new epicenter of economic development in Roatan,  and the most innovative city in LATAM.


Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, Beyabu is the premier residential development in St. John’s Bay.


Soon to be the tallest tower on Roatan, Duna is a new mixed use development in St. John’s Bay with stunning views of the Caribbean.

Pristine Bay

Situated on over 400 acres in the heart of  St. John’s Bay, this world class resort offers villas and apartments for rent or purchase. The expansive property includes multiple pools, restaurants, beaches and numerous lifestyle amenities.

St. John's Bay

St.John’s Bay is the new epicenter of economic development in Roatan,  and the most innovative city in LATAM.


Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, Beyabu is the premier residential development in St. John’s Bay.

Explore Beyabu


Soon to be the tallest tower on Roatan, Duna is a mixed use development in St. John’s Bay with stunning views of the Caribbean.

Pristine Bay

Situated on over 400 acres in the heart of  St. John’s Bay, this world class resort offers villas and apartments for rent or purchase. The expansive property includes multiple pools, restaurants, beaches and numerous lifestyle amenities.

RIFC Real Estate Development Unit

The RIFC possesses the fundamentals to become a vibrant International Financial Center.  This is a largely unmet demand in LATAM—the political divides of the region, the economic instability of regimes, and the historical influence of European civil codes (French and Spanish) have all made it less attractive for investors.

The RIFC’s whole-of-government approach, including an attractive tax environment, bilingual structure (English and Spanish) and supportive regulatory framework based in common law give it a decisive advantage. This financial sector strength combined with a strategy to develop an education hub that attracts and nurtures global talent will position the RIFC as the next center for economic growth and innovation.

Curious about something more specific?

Speak with a representative from the RIFC about your business’s objectives and goals. Forming a legal entity in Roatan is easy, secure, and designed to support new economic growth opportunities.

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Learn More
The RIFC is located in St. Johns Bay, which utilizes the Próspera governance platform. Próspera elevates human potential through radically human-centered governance.